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You are here Home News HENNLICH Fog cannons: Effective against dust

HENNLICH Fog cannons: Effective against dust

Effective, mobile and reliable – these are the main advantages of fog cannons that are used for local dust suppression in quarries, mines, on construction sites and in other industry areas.
HENNLICH Fog cannons: Effective against dust

Division HENNLICH ENGINEERING of the Czech engineering company HENNLICH is the only manufacturer of fog cannons in the Czech Republic.

What is a fog cannon?
The fog cannon is a device used for effective dust suppression. They help to minimize the dust, reduce the health risk and improve air quality.

Where can be the fog cannon used?
Fog cannons have wide range of use. Company HENNLICH has supplied them to quarries, coal landfills or to construction sites where were used during building demolitions.

How does the fog cannon works?
Fog cannon makes very fine mist that is driven by strong air flow generated by a powerful fan. Mist has to be directed at the dust source. Mist reach depends on wind speed and direction. At the moment HENNLICH ENGINEERING offers fog cannons with mist range 20, 30, 50 and 70 meters.

What are the main components of the cannon?
The fog cannon consists of a laminate tube with a fan, stainless steel nozzle ring, stand for automatic horizontal oscillation, high pressure pump with water filter and electric control panel.

What are the additional accessories?
HENNLICH ENGINEERING supplies as additional accessories 3-wheeled trailer for manipulation with the cannon, wireless remote control, additional pump to increase the water pressure, water tank as well as diesel/petrol generator.

Why to buy HENNLICH fog cannon?
You will gain high quality Czech product that will effectively help you to solve local problems with dust. Fog cannon has positive impact on reducing dust concentration and significantly improves the air quality.

HENNLICH ENGINEERING is also a producer of telescopic loading spout for dust-free loading of bulk materials into cars, tankers or on stockpiles.

HENNLICH ENGINEERING also designs and manufactures industrial air filtration systems – dust collectors are used for dedusting of silos and bunkers, crushers, screeners or transfer points of belt conveyors.

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