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You are here Home News HENNLICH has developed a fog cannon with mist throw 100 meters. The first unit goes to Colombia.

HENNLICH has developed a fog cannon with mist throw 100 meters. The first unit goes to Colombia.

It most closely resemble snow cannons known from ski resorts. In contradistinction to the snow cannon, the fog cannon is used to dust suppression in quarries, steel plants or landfills.
HENNLICH has developed a fog cannon with mist throw 100 meters. The first unit goes to Colombia.

The engineering company HENNLICH has developed and produced hundreds of them and exports them to the whole world. The uniqueness of the newest product lies in its size and mist range up to 100 meters. HENNLICH engineers have developed the fog cannon for Colombian customer who will use it for coal pile dust suppression. The same type of HENNLICH fog cannon is now being produced for customer in Thailand.

Pavel Šumera, managing director of engineering company HENNLICH: “The development and production of fog cannons has started eight years ago. Over the years became from “Cinderella” a very attractive product. Our mist cannons can be found in mines, quarries, steel plants, construction sites or landfills, for example in far-off Siberia or now in Colombia."

The newest type of fog cannon developed by division HENNLICH ENGINEERING is capable of spraying mist up to 100 meters. In one hour it transports 8 to 12 m3 of water or another liquid to sprayed area. The device is high over 3 meters and the length is almost 2.5 meters. The development of the device lasted for about half a year.

Pavel Uxa, head of division HENNLICH ENGINEERING: “Development time is relatively short thanks to our rich experience in development of previous types of fog cannons. Compared with other types, this fog cannon has a much more robust construction that matches the purpose for which it is designed. The customer will carry the cannon on truck platform for effective dust suppression on the coal landfill.”

The cannon should arrive to Colombia in the end of year 2017. At the moment HENNLICH manufactures second device for a customer in Thailand. Other orders are in negotiation. The price of device is about one million Czech crowns.

What is a fog cannon?
The fog cannon is device that produces a mist from water or another liquid. The mist is afterwards sprayed to the place of destination. It is used for dust suppression on bulk material landfills, in quarries and stone quarries, for cooling of material in foundries and steel plants, for waste recycling or during demolition and construction work. The device is mobile and can be moved from place to place. Depending on the type of fog cannon the mist range from 10 to 100 meters.

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